Direct Navier-Stokes
Direct numerical simulation (DNS) is a a direct solution of the unsteady
Navier-Stokes equations (with finite-difference, finite-element, etc.) that is
capable of resolving the smallest turbulent scales (Kolmogoroff) without requiring
additional closure equations. The method requires very fine grids and many time
steps; therefore the method is presently confined to simple problems and small
Reynolds numbers. DNS has been applied recently to simple box geometries to study
particle dispersion, even with two-way coupling (at a far higher computation
Large-Eddy Simulation
Large-eddy simulation (LES) is a method that can accurately predict the large scale
turbulent structures, that are the most important in the transport quantities. The
method has been applied successfully to homogeneous flows at relatively high
Reynolds numbers, on geometries more realistic than those feasible with DNS.
Related Material
Selected References
The reference list below reports some fundamental works (additional references
available therein). The technical literature on this topic is HUGE.
- Ferziger JH, Peric M. Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics,
Springer, 1997.
- Wilcox DC. Turbulence Modeling for CFD, DWC Industries Inc.,
La Canada, USA, 1993.
- Anderson DA, Tannehill JC, Pletcher RH. Computational Fluid Mechanics
and Heat Transfer, Taylor and Francis, Bristol, PA 19007, 1984.
- Peyret R. (editor), Handbook of Computational Fluid Mechanics,
Academic Press, 1996
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