– Low Speed Flows
Unlike the High Speed flow regimes, the low speed aerodynamics suffers from lack of
extensive literature. I report here a few collections of papers from conferences
and workshops.
- Happel J, Brenner H. Low Reynolds Number Hydrodynamics, McGraw-Hill, 1983.
Review: This is a book geared toward particles flows and particulate media,
for those who are mostly interested in the fluid dynamics. There is fluids in slow
motions, creeping flows, wall effects on particles and particulate viscosity.
- Proceedings of the Conference on Low Reynolds Number Airfoil Aerodynamics,
UNDAS-CP-77B123, Notre Dame, Indiana, June 1985.
Review: As the title implies, limited to airfoil flows. It contains a number
of interesting experimental studies and design, along with description of basic
flow phenomena.
- Simons M. Model Aircraft Aerodynamics, Nexus Special Interest, 1999 (4th edition).
Review: This books contains the basic physics of low speed airfoils and is somewhat
related to the collections listed below. It is not only geared toward the aero-modellers,
but it contains very illustrative graphics of airfoils, wings, pressure distributions,
data base, etc. Recommended.
- Proceedings of the Aerodynamics at Low Reynolds Number 10^4 <
Re < International Conference, The Royal Aeronautical
Society, London, Oct. 1986.
- Low Reynolds Number Vehicles , AGARDograph AG-288, 1985.
- Selig MS, Donovan JF, Fraser DB. Airfoils at Low Speeds,
Soar Tech Publ., Virginia Beach, VA, 1989.
Review: This is the first example of wing testing at low speeds. It is a
compendium of about 60 low speed airfoils, with CL and CD data in the range
of Reynolds number 60,000 to 300,000. Important reference book.
- Selig M, Lyon C, Giguere P, Ninham C, and Guglielmo J.
Summary of Low-Speed Airfoil Data, Vol. 2, SoarTech Publ.,
Virginia Beach, VA, 1996.
- Mueller, TJ (editor). Fixed and Flapping Wing Aerodynamics for Micro
Air Vehicles, AIAA Progress in Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vol 195,
Reston, VA, 2001.
Review: This is a compendium of low speed aerodynamics advances, including
steady and unsteady flows, fixed- rotary and flapping wings. It includes
chapters on MAV applications, system optimization, experimental data, etc.
- Carmichael BH. Low Reynolds Number Airfoil Survey, NASA CR-1165803, 1981.
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