Copyright A. Filippone (1999-2008). All Rights Reserved.



Dr. Filippone (PhD 1995, DTU) has worked on a large number of research projects, including computational aerodynamics, aerodynamic design, unsteady aerodynamics, rotorcraft aerodynamics, racing aerodynamics, propulsion systems, low- and high speed wind tunnel testing, image processing, multi-phase flows, large scale optimization problems. See the personal pages. He also does consultancy work for a number of industries.

Dr. Filippone is always excited by unconventional ideas, especially those that are simple solutions to complex problems. When he is not studying aerodynamics, he takes refreshing walks on the wild side (always with a 35mm camera), or reads international politics.

University of Manchester Antonio Filippone
The University of Manchester
School of Mechanical, Aerospace, Civil Engineering
P.O. Box 88
Manchester M60 1QD
United Kingdom

Phone (+44) 161- 306 3702 (direct)
Email: [email protected]

Copyright A. Filippone (1999-2008). All Rights Reserved.