Fields of Operation
Some operations ordinarily performed in the wind tunnel are the following:
- Drag/Lift measurements on aircraft, helicopters, missiles, racing cars.
- Drag/Lift/Moment characteristics of airfoils and wings.
- Static stability of aircraft and missiles
- Dynamic stability derivatives of aircraft
- Surface Pressure distributions on nearly all systems.
- Flow visualizations (with smoke, oil, talcum).
- Propeller performances (torque, thrust, power, efficiency, etc.).
- Performances of air-breathing engines.
- Wind effects on buildings, towers, bridges, automobiles.
- Heat transfer properties of engines and aircraft.
Some of the operations listed above can be performed in a water tunnel.
Wind tunnels may be classified according to their basic architecture (open-circuit,
closed-circuit), according to their speed (subsonic, transonic, supersonic,
hypersonic), according to the air pressure (atmospheric, variable- density), or their
size (ordinary ones or full-scale). There is a number of wind tunnels (metereologic
tunnel, shock tunnel, plasma-jet tunnel, hot-shot tunnel) that fall in a special
category of their own.
The quality of the tunnel can be described by the range of the Reynolds and Mach
numbers that can be tested, along with the turbulence levels and the testing
equipment. Quantities generally given are the maximum speed in the test section, the
size of the test section and the power of the motor.
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