Copyright © A. Filippone (1999-2004). All Rights Reserved.

Unsteady Aerodynamics

Computational Methods


Oscillating Airfoil

The graphics below show the structure of the free wake behind an oscillating airfoil. The case has been computed with an unsteady vorticity formulation of the boundary element method.

Oscillating Airfoil
Oscillating Airfoil
Oscillating Airfoil

Impulsive Start of Elliptic Wing

The graphics below show the structure of the wake centerline behind an elliptic wing at a number of time steps after the impulsive start. The problem has been computed with an unsteady vortex lattice method.

Elliptic Wing Elliptic Wing
Elliptic Wing Elliptic Wing

Heaving Motion of Rectangular Wing

The figure below shows the unsteady lift coefficient of a rectangular wing in heaving motion in close proximity to the ground.

Ground Effect

Helicopter Rotor in Forward Flight

The figure below shows the spanwise distribution of loads (lift coefficient) on a helicopter rotor blade in advancing flight. Distribution at right is for the advancing blade; distribution at left is for retreating blade. The loads on a given blade sections oscillate between the values on the advancing and retreating blade.

Forward Flight

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Copyright © A. Filippone (1999-2004). All Rights Reserved.