Sonic Boom
A sonic boom is a loud noise caused by an aircraft travelling faster than the speed
of sound (M > 1). The sound propagates along the Mach cone, Fig. 1, which
represents a surface of discontinuity for most of the thermo-aerodynamic variables
(pressure, velocity, density, entropy).
The boom is due to a combination of volume and lift. While the boom due to volume
can be virtually eliminated (Busemann, 1935), the boom due to lift can only be
Minimization is not straightforward, because it is constrained by structural,
aerodynamic and design parameters, and not least by the variation of the
thermo-dynamic properties of the atmosphere.
The minimum sonic boom generally does not correspond to the best aircraft. There is
among others: sonic boom minimization at given drag; minimization at given volume,
etc. (Seebass, 1998). Because the shock energy is nearly conserved as the shock
radiates, its strength decays only slightly with the distance from the aircraft.
Over-Pressure at the Ground
The boom is characterized by a typical over-pressure signature on the ground and a
total impulse (time integral of the over-pressure).
The wave associated to the over-pressure is generally N-shaped, which is a result of
a sonic boom due to two shocks (front and rear). The N-wave is a function of the
aircraft geometry (length, volume, etc), flight altitude, speed, atmospheric
Figure 2: Waves from Sonic Boom Optimization
Figure of Merit
Seebass-George (1961) defined a figure of merit, FM, to characterize the sonic boom
levels. This figure is proportional to the aircraft weight divided with the
three-halves of the aircraft length W/L^(3/2). The lower this value, the better the
Some values are given in the following table.
Table 1: Figure of Merit; (*) forecast
Aircraft | M | FM |
Concorde | 2.0 | 1.41 |
NASA-Boeing 2707 (1972) | 2.4 | 1.9 |
Supersonic business jet (*) | 1.6 | 0.4 |
The B-2707 was a project aborted in 1972. Forecasts for a supersonic business jet
(Seebass, 1998) flying at M=1.6 would give a FM = 0.4, that is considered acceptable.
Related Material
Selected References
- Goldstein ME. Aeroacoustics, McGraw-Hill, 1976.
- Smith MJT. Aircraft Noise, Cambridge Aerospace Series, Cambridge Univ Press,
- Hardin JC, Hussaini MY (editors). Computational Aero-Acoustics,
ICASE/NASA LaRC Series, 1993.
- Ffowcs-Williams J., Aeroacoustics, in Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech.,
Vol 9, pages 447-468, 1977.
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